Email marketing and seo advantages
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SEO And Email Marketing: Hand-In-Hand For Better Rankings

If you are a business owner or have a brand, SEO and Email Marketing are the most important part of your content marketing strategy which helps you in building connections with your customers and prospects.

But they work on two very different platforms which often forces us to think if they even have a connection or not. 

One of them focuses on organic reach while the other focuses on the existing subscribers. They play very different roles in the lives of internet users. But if you focus on their goal, which is to generate clicks, you'll find that they have something in common.

SEO and Email Marketing impact each other's existence. But before we know it's “how”, let's get to know a bit about SEO.

SEO Basics

Well, it might seem complex but it is quite simple. The most important part, or say, the only part that plays a major role in helping a website rank is, optimizing the Website.

Website optimization helps in gaining more visibility and engagement. To talk about it in simple words, SEO is all about improving search rankings and driving organic traffic to your website.

Well, most of the time when I refer to search engines, I'm pointing out the great search engines like Google. Almost everyone uses it today. It is even a pre-installed app on most mobile phones.

Now, we know SEO helps in ranking on search engines, and so, three factors affect search engine rankings -


When a user puts some words in the search bar, whether it is one word, two words, or a complex phrase, it becomes a keyword. Then, search engines collect all the pages that consist of that keyword or consist of a related word.

A keyword researcher looks for keywords that drive high monthly search volume. Then, those keywords are used in the content creation for the website.

Keywords are usually put in the title tags, and meta description as well as throughout the content but, at the same time, too much stuffing can make your website look spammy and untrustworthy.

On-page Optimization

The way your content matters, in a similar way, on-page Optimization matters. It's like the front door when someone walks up to you. Either they're going to knock or not.

We should include a meta description for what we post, whether it's a blog, article, video, infographic, etc. It helps search engines understand better about what you're offering to the viewers.

Similarly, when uploading images, the alt text can help search engines know about that image, how it is helping others, and who's looking for it. URLs of the website can be optimized to include a keyword in them too.

Search Engines, on priority, look for content that's easier to load and optimized for mobile phones. The faster and easier it is, the more chances are to rank.

On Page speed optimization


Backlinks, the meaning behind these words can be easily guessed and 90% chances can be that you're right.

When some other website or brand uses your content as a reference or learning or guide and puts a link from your website on theirs, that's called a backlink.

Now, talking about the search engine algorithm; the more backlinks you have, the more important your web page becomes. And it's a +1 if the site that puts a link of yours on its website is already trustable and authoritative.

Link Juice process through backlinks

External backlinks force a reader and search engines to believe that your website is trustworthy and important. Helps getting link juice from other websites and build more authority.

Quality Of Content

But, there's a twist. If businesses get to know all the tactics used for rankings, it'll be easier for them to manipulate search engines. To avoid this, search engines keep changing their algorithms strategies, and ways to rank websites. This is just like putting a pinch of chili powder in a tasty recipe; you don't know what to expect.

Well, other than keywords, on-page Optimization, and backlinks, the most important factor for ranking on search engines is - Quality Content.

Google follows a rule, called E-A-T which means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness respectively. If you ever research more about it you'll get to the fact that it isn't just a ranking factor but a principle that search engines follow. It needs to know if you know what you're talking about.

So, if you want to rank on search engines, keep your special focus on the quality of the content, its effectiveness, and how much value it can provide to the users who visit your website.

Connection Between SEO And Email Marketing 

Finding a connection between SEO and Email Marketing isn't easy. It isn't if you're just a beginner. 

All the links that you put in your emails won't improve your rankings as your already subscribed audience can reach them. With that, all the email marketing campaigns won't appear even once in the search results unless they are being talked about at a place online.

Let's simplify it, and just look at who's coming to who. On a website, when a user visits your website, chances are that they are a newcomer, or a beginner, or someone, who's just taken a step forward to you. 

But, at the same time if you look at subscribers, they're not the beginners, they're already in the middle of something; something that's being carried on by the email marketer.

Still, what's common between them? Content Marketing.

An Email Marketer’s main focus is to send newsletters, run campaigns, and introduce products and services to their subscribers while, a Search Engine Marketer's main focus is to provide quality content, gain authority and backlinks, and ultimately, rank on search engines.

During their struggles and goals, they both strive to reach the same destination, the Maximum Number of Clicks On Content.

Both of them want their subscribers and viewers to engage and then convert for them.

How SEO Helps Email Marketing

Now that you know that there's at least a connection between them, let's get to know how SEO helps Email Marketing in achieving success -

Email List Building

Suppose, you crafted and posted a blog post that drove heavy traffic. What if you direct that traffic to your email?

SEO is a tactic every second marketer uses for high traffic on the website.

Now, if you try to relate, the traffic to your website can be turned into a potential subscriber who'll engage and then convert.

To look at it more simply, a visit to your website is equal to a new email contact added to your email list and if they like it, they're likely to follow up and convert for you.

What can you do here?

The blog posts that drive organic traffic should include a CTA at the end of the post. The CTA should direct them to subscribe to your email newsletter. This way, whenever someone new comes to you, you get a new email address to add to your list.

newsletter added by backlinko

Here is example how backlinko used newsletter in his website.


After your viewer has subscribed, it's your turn to understand the subscriber. 

The web content that they interact with can help you pursue a conversation that's relevant and seems interesting to them.

To execute this, you need to know the page they came for and left their email there. This information will help you create relevant content for them. You can include their interests in your lead nurturing strategy.

What can you do here?

The very first step, to know actually what interests the viewer is to know which page made them subscribe. 

To simplify this process, try embedding different sign-up links for different types of content. This way, whenever you get an email address through a sign-up form, you know where it's coming from.

The second step is segmentation - which means grouping your audience into different categories according to their interests, likings, and pain points. Categorizing them will help you create your welcome emails and follow-up emails more focused and relevant for the subscribers.

Ideas For Subject Lines

When researched and targeted keywords are included in content that has to be posted on the website, there are chances for an increase in the click and open rates.

Well, how does this help an email marketer? Suppose, a blog post performed well and gained heavy traffic. This makes you sure that the content is what brought them to you. The SEO-optimized headlines of the content can be used to generate an email subject line strategy. Sounds good?

To look into it more deeply, whatever people put in the search bar, it's a keyword for you. Keywords mean that it's coming from the people, it's their real language. 

Use their language in your Subject Lines. Use that language in the content of your email as well, as it helps resonate with the audience and makes them feel that they're listening to a human.

If I say it more clearly, consider using titles and meta descriptions of well-performing content to create subject lines and preheader text for your email. This will help you be relevant to your audience as well as boost your engagement with your subscribers.

How Email Marketing Helps SEO

Email marketing helps SEO in many ways, especially when it comes to content and visibility.

Let's get to know how email marketing helps SEO - 

E-A-T Establishment

We've talked about this before Search Engines ranks content based on E-A-T principles. 

Email Marketing takes place with your already engaged audience i.e., subscribers. When your audience engages with the content you post, others find that your content is trustable, well researched as well as worth listening to.

Emails are a great way to put your content in front of the right people. 

Just imagine, (well, it's real) your subscribers engaged and listened to you. Now they're talking about it with others, recommending others to view the same. How does it help - it drives traffic to your website and showcases that the content is trusted and authoritative.

Natural Backlinks 

You've already heard that what matters is quality. Let's see how - 

  • When you post quality content and it resonates with others, your content may prove to be helpful for others. That's when you gain a natural backlink.

A natural backlink is when the other website owners don't take your permission and you don't have to pay for the backlink of your page to be posted on their page.

  • Many of your subscribers do have their blogs and websites. When they find your content valuable, they share it on their website. Another natural backlink in your pocket.
  • Some of your subscribers would-be influencers. Keep them on a separate list. Run a campaign focusing on expanding your reach. Encourage those of your subscribers to share your stuff.

This way, you gain a natural backlink and for your information, the natural backlink is what can help you rank rather than a requested or paid backlink on search engines.

Understanding The Audience

Do you believe that you can know the search intent through people - obviously yes. The search intent of people is what helps you in gaining traffic to your site.

Well, Email Marketing can help in knowing and understanding your audience. And there are two ways to know them - Indirect and Direct.

Indirect Ways To Understand Your Audience

  1. Test with different Subject Lines to know which relates to them the most.
  2. Test with different content types to know what they are interested most in.
  3. Notice their responses and reactions to every piece you send out to them and analyze their behavior.

Direct Ways To Understand Your Audience

Ask them.

  • Put a question in the email itself that you want to know about through the audience. and direct them to a page where they can fill it out.
  • Organize a survey in the email. Put different categories of content as options and ask them to choose what interests them the most.

Asking directly from the audience can be helpful for you in knowing the raw thoughts of people who want to listen to you. Through their opinions, you can create content for your webpage. The best subject lines can work as or can be turned into title tags for increasing click and open rates. Similarly, the Emails can be turned into Content for blogs and articles to post on your website.

Email Marketing For Backlink Creation

We know that backlinks are an essential part of your ranking strategy. The more backlinks you have, the more chances you have to rank higher on Search Engines.

Most people rely on backlinks on search engines and social media outreach. However, many people forget that emails are a great way to engage with people and generate quality backlinks that are trustworthy as well as show up on authoritative sites. 

Here's how email marketing can help in generating backlinks -

  • Prepare An Email list

Before going on the voyage, one should have a map and a compass for it.

Similarly, before sending out an email, you should know who's the right one, or whom you want to link with.

This happens when you create a list of emails before sending out emails. Through this list, you know who you're reaching out to.

Search for websites that are trustworthy, authoritative as well as in the niche that you're working on. This helps in maintaining relevancy. 

  • Creation Of Outreach Email

Can just a “hi, kindly put my link on your website” would help you get backlinks? No.

When sending an email as a cold email, patiently introduce yourself. Tell them why you're reaching out to them and how can they benefit from you if they help you generate backlinks.

Always remember, that personalized and genuine emails are what bring success. So, edit your emails according to each person you're sending out your email to.

  • Offer Them Something

Now, when you tell them how they can benefit from. if they help you in generating backlinks, you'll be in a confusion about what to offer.

To make it easy for you, it can be a service, a product that's helpful for them, or, even a backlink for their site. Sounds good? Yeah.

  • Follow-up

There will be times when you won't get a reply to the emails sent out. Does that mean you should get discouraged - no. Instead, follow up. 

Tell them that you understand how busy they are, but this offer would prove to be valuable for them. Tell them how can they benefit from you. 

Send an email in a few days as a kind reminder.

  • Easy-To-Embed Links

When your target has finally replied to you and agreed to the Backlink generation, would you like them to waste a ton of time just to put a link on their website? No, this can result in disinterest.

Make it easy for the website owners to link your content to their website. Give them ready to put links to embed on their website.

Less time in one link means more engagement, more interest, and more work.

  • Ask Your Audience And Offer Them

While you're reaching out to other business owners, don't leave your subscribers behind.

Include them in your way to success. Ask them to affiliate, share, and bring backlinks for you. In return, offer them something. It may include certain rewards like a service, product, template, or anything your audience would work for.

Email Marketing can boost your backlink generation. On search engines, there are lakhs of websites, and sending out backlinks requests there might make your request feel lost. But through emails, you directly contact the owners, warmly and genuinely. And so, with Backlinks, you create genuine relations too.


SEO and Email Marketing go hand-in-hand. They boost your online presence together. SEO helps you boost your engagement and traffic, at the same time, email marketing lets you connect with your subscribers.

When you understand the basics of the two, they're easier to be connected and related. SEO makes your content better and drives the audience to the site and emails help you reach the right audience.

When you use both, you improve your online presence, become more visible, and gain authority. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I implement SEO as well as perform email marketing?
SEO and Email Marketing prove to be the cost-effective options for improving your visibility and conversions. With the right strategies, you can improve your search engine rankings using SEO and email marketing together.
How can I get natural backlinks for my website using email marketing to improve my website’s authority?
A natural backlink is when someone links to your profile without paying them for it. There are people on the internet who link your pages to their websites by finding you through search engines. But if you look closely, people in your subscribers list own websites. So, when they find you inspiring and that your content is valuable, they’ll link to your website automatically.
What do email marketing and SEO together result in?
Doing email marketing and SEO together results in improved engagement, knowing search intent and providing value to your audience.