catchy email subject lines
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25 Best Cold Email Subject Lines: To Boost Your Sales

Here, we present you the 25 best subject lines for cold emails. Subject lines are like the book covers and your audience, a class full of 6-year-old children. The more simple and attractive it is, the more children are going to select it. Professionally, the more attractive the subject line is, the more users are going to click on it and open the email.

Subject lines are the summary or a glimpse of what's inside. It is an attention grabber. 

For example, if the subject line is, “Free Just For You”, you will open the email for sure, even if it's just for a minute or to take a glimpse of it. This is why subject lines are meant to be interesting. Maybe something like this?

just for you subject lines

No one would click if it's “there are new ads nearby”. For example:

sales subject lines

This is because I'm not interested in watching ads nearby. Now you know why relevance is important.

In this blog, we'll tell you all about the subject lines of cold emails; What, Why, and How!

What Is Cold Email

When you don't know someone, you find ways to start a conversation. Similarly, when you send an email to connect with someone you don't know much about, it's called Cold Email. But, it's a bit different.

Cold email isn't the same as talking to friends and family. It's about reaching out to people to offer something i.e., a product or a service. It's like giving someone an invitation to take a look at what you're offering and buy it if interested.

You send messages to people, who you haven't talked to before, through Cold Email.

If you're a small business owner, or the owner of an already established brand, cold emails can help you in every way to expand your business and attract potential customers.

But wait, not everything is easy. It's not just about sending messages but making sure that you aren't causing them trouble or annoying them. Be careful not to spam.

Cold emails are helpful when they are respectful and consider the audience's time and likes. Take time in crafting, personalizing, and working on each email.

Avoid Spam Email Dropping (How?)

Do you want to work hard crafting an email and end up in the spam box? Haha! Not.

landing in spam folder

It's important to avoid spam email dropping because you want to reach the inboxes, get seen, and eventually, want customers.

But don't worry, here are some ways to make sure that you aren't ending up in the spam box but, the inboxes of your intended recipients -

Use A Reputable Email Service Provider

Choosing the Email Service Provider is the first step to avoid getting in the spam boxes.

Select an Email Service Provider that is reputable, trustworthy, and follows the best practices of the industry. They can help you in getting noticed and avoid getting into the spam box. Some of them are 

  • Gmail
  • Outlook 
  • Yahoo.

Build a Quality Email List

Do you like getting called out even if you don't want to? Your audience too doesn't like that.

When building an email list, focus on building a quality email list. Don't buy email lists from some platform or through the internet. But, build email lists of people who want to get your email, the people who themselves offered you their email. This happens when you build trust and keep it. 

Don't buy email list build your own one

This will help you in getting noticed, sales of products, and newsletters.

Personalize Each Email

If I say hello! Are you going to take a look back at me? Maybe yes, or not. But if I say Hey (your name)! You're for sure going to take a look at me and reply. 

Personalizing emails does the same work for you. Don't send general emails to large audiences if you want your emails to work out for you. What can you do to personalize emails?

  1. Address them by their names.
  2. personalized email example

Taking someone's name shows how much you're talking to them personally and interestingly. Just like in image they used name of website ""

  1. Consider their interests and preferences. 

Just like I showed you earlier in this blog, I didn't click on the random email because I wasn't interested, but I did click on the swiggy email because I wanted to learn about offers on the food, and was interested.

Avoid Spam Trigger Words

Everyone wants to gain attention. They do everything they can to achieve it. And in the battle of being first, they all fail. Why? Because they all end up using the same tactics others are using, the words that trigger spam.

When you're sending out emails to your recipients, make sure to not copy others. Provide value, and information and be direct about your approach. Avoid words like “buy now”, “urgent”, “act fast”, “#1”, “urgent” and similar to these.

Provide Value

Every email consists of your hard work and your recipient's click is the result. So, make sure to value your audience's time and interest. 

Value their time by providing them with value. How?

  1. Sending out short and great content
  2. Provide Information
  3. Offer Discounts
  4. Entertaining content.

The above listed are the ways by which you can gain trust and value their time. Give your audience a reason to click and open your email, to read and buy your offered service.

    Optimize Subject Lines

You came this far, and now you might have known the value of the subject and the role it plays. subject line is the first impression. Either it's super great, or it's going to get ignored. 

They are the first thing that receivers see, so, make sure to make them attractive and attention-grabbing. What can you do to achieve it?

  1. Keep them short
  2. Point out the reason for the email
  3. Don't use excessive caps or punctuation
short effective on point subject line by quora

I really like the way quora does it. It is short, effective, and on to the point

Excessive caps or punctuation, and trigger spam filters and do not let the email get into the inbox.

    Include Clear Instructions

By asking you to give clear instructions, I'm not telling you to tell them the steps, because you're already going to do it to pave the way to help them enter your cave. I'm telling you to give them a way to exit too.

Didn't understand? I'm here to help. 

Will you ever enter a place where there's no exit even if it's a mall or a cinema? No, you'll not enter because eventually, you'll want to go back to where you came from.

Just like you told your audience and compelled them to click your email and subscribe, you should give them a clear option or a way to exit too, i.e., to unsubscribe. 

By helping your audience know the exit place, you build trust and reduce the chances of getting called a spam email.

    Monitor Email Deliverability

You'll never let your dog go out without keeping an eye on him, because he's yours. Similarly, when you're sending out emails, keep an eye on them, and monitor them. 

Check your email performance by keeping an eye on the open rates, click rates, bounce rates, and even the replies and responses you're getting. This helps you get to know if it's working or ending up in a spam box. 

You can know the issues, how you can fix them, and what new practices you can follow to increase your chances of getting seen.

Follow these ways to make the most of your hard work and get seen.

Crafting Subject lines (Key Points)

Now, you know about cold emails and how to avoid getting into spam boxes. So, without waiting any longer, let's learn how to write subject lines that will grab the attention of your recipients.

Here are the steps to follow-

Keep Them Short

It is as simple to understand as it was to read. Keep the subject lines short. They should be up to 50 characters, just 50 characters. Why? So that it fits on the screen and helps the recipient quickly understand what the email is about.

Make It Interesting

Use good language. Use language that grabs attention. What can you do to make it look great?

  • Ask a question
  • Write a bold statement
  • Tease some valuable information
  • Inform about offers inside the email

Some ways like these help in creating good subject lines.

Avoid Misleading

When you build an audience and want to grow, you need to build trust. And while building trust, never mislead the recipient. What can you do to achieve it?

  • Be honest and transparent with the audience
  • Avoid using misleading links or information
  • Avoid using sensationalist language
  • Don't make false promises
  • Don't say something like 100% free or phrases like these.

When you build trust, keep it. Remember.


Address the receiver by their name. If you know any, include the personal information of your receiver. Prioritize their interests and preferences. Craft your subject lines according to the receiver whenever possible. This shows how much you care about your audience.

Be Specific And Relevant

Communicate. Communication is the key to the lock of your receiver's heart. Be as genuine as possible. Talk about your goals, what you're offering, and what's in for your listener. Avoid unclear and vague subject lines. 

Write short, to-the-point, and clear subject lines that talk about what's inside instead of misleading the audience.

Create a Sense Of Urgency

We've become so lazy that we don't take action until the deadline is in the next 5 minutes. True right?

Use this tactic with your audience too. Create a sense of urgency. Tell your listener that it's urgent. You can do this by

  • Encouraging them directly
  • Mention that the offer is for a limited time
  • Exclusive promotion
  • Share time-sensitive information

Use Emojis

This is a modern world. People get their emotions more by emojis than by actual words. Make your subject lines shorter by including emojis to show your emotion.

But using emojis everywhere also creates disinterest.

  • Including Emojis adds visual interest
  • Your email stands out among others
  • Use the emojis carefully
  • Avoid unrelated emojis

Test Different Subject lines

How can you grow if you're not taking risks? 

Risks are like stairs, either you cross them, or you fall. But when you fall, you stand up stronger than before. 

You can use different formats of content, different lengths, and different words. 

Compare your subject lines by using A/B Testing. 

Using all these ways and steps you can create great subject lines. These subject lines will attract your potential customers and help your business grow.

25 Best Subject lines

To help you get started, we've created a list of 25 great subject lines that will help you start cold email marketing as well as encourage you to take action faster. Some of these subject lines are what we came across in our emails and some are our creations. You can use these subject lines as they are and even modify them, merge them, or do whatever you like with them. 

  1. “Unlock Exclusive Savings Inside!”

This subject line is promising the receiver that there's something inside the email which is about exclusive savings or deals. In this subject line, we used the sense of urgency when we offered an exclusive offer. This encourages the receiver to open the email and learn more about it.

  1. "Your Personalized Offer Awaits, [Recipient's Name]!"

Here, by using the recipient's name, we're personalizing the email. Secondly, we're sharing a personalized offer for them. This will grab their attention and make them click open the email.

  1. "Last Chance: Limited-Time Deal Ending Soon!"

Take a look at the subject line, see the words that we used, “last”, “limited” and “ending soon”. These words create an urgency. They're telling the recipient that there's a deal which is closing soon and this is the last chance to avail it! This encourages them to click open the email before the deal ends.

  1. "Quick Question About [Recipient's Interest]!"

We talked about relevancy, personalization, and making the subject line interesting, remember? How are we doing this here? First of all, we're asking them a question. Secondly, you care about the interest of the recipient. And lastly, you're making it quick, you're considering their time.

The recipient for sure is going to click and find the answer to the question if it interests them.

  1. "Discover the Secret to [Desirable Outcome]!"

Curiosity is something that no one can be patient about. People are always in search of finding answers to their questions plus, you're telling them that it's a secret. So, why not click and know what's inside?

  1. "Stay Ahead of the Curve with Insider Tips!"

The subject line is valuable and related to the user's interest. This makes the user click the email. And with that, you're also telling them that this is going to help them get ahead of the problems with the tips that you're providing. The information interests the user and makes them click.

  1. "Exclusive Invitation: Join Us for a Special Event!"

This is an event-related subject line. You're inviting the user, which means, you're giving them importance. This makes the recipient feel important, it makes them feel valued. This makes the recipient click open the email to learn more about it.

  1. "Don't Miss Out: Your Free Gift Awaits!"

Can you see it? Free! Who wants to miss something free, gifts are always welcome! This excites and anticipates the recipient and makes them click on the email and open it.

  1. "Upgrade Your [Product/Service] Experience Today!"

This is about upgrading a product or service. When using this subject line, make sure to talk about something that the user is interested in. If you buy some product or service that is not related to the recipient, then it's going to do no good to you. Be careful while adding or twisting things.

  1. "Get Inspired: Explore Our Latest Collection!"

Latest means ahead. Getting ahead is the most desired thing. You're inspiring them, revealing them your new collection. This awakens interest and curiosity in the hearts of the users. They do open the email out of excitement.

  1. "Act Now: Limited Inventory Available!"

A sense of urgency is created by telling the receiver that it is limited and they need to take action ASAP. This allows the receiver to open the email and act.

  1. "Your Feedback Needed: Help Us Improve!"

By asking for help, for feedback, you're telling them that their opinion matters. You make them feel valued and encouraged to share what they think.

  1. "Join Our VIP Club for Exclusive Benefits!"

You're inviting the receiver to join a VIP club. You're giving them special treatment. You're offering benefits and perks of joining it. This makes them open the email and know more about it.

  1. "Discover the Latest Trends in [Industry/Topic]!"

Here, the subject line is giving you information about the latest trends in the recipient's preferred industry or topic. This provides value and information.

  1. "Your [Problem] Solved: Find Out How!"

This subject line is solving the problem that is being faced by the recipient. You're promising them that the solution is inside the email, and this makes them open the email.

  1. "Level Up Your Skills with Expert Advice!"

This subject line makes the receiver feel that there's something valuable inside the email, something that will educate them and help them level up. This will make the recipient click to open the email to improve their existing skills.

  1. "Exclusive Sneak Peek: New Product Coming Soon!"

This is about something that's coming soon but isn't revealed yet. You're revealing this to the recipient and making them feel special. You're letting the user peek into the product or service that's coming.

  1. "Get Rewarded: Earn Points with Every Purchase!"

Remember getting stars in your notebooks when you did great work? There's a child alive in every human being. Everyone wants to be appreciated, everyone wants rewards. This is waking their inner child and making them click to open the email.

  1. "Unleash Your Creativity: Explore New Ideas!"

You're suggesting new ideas to the recipient. This subject line interests the receiver that will make the user click to open the email.

  1. "Become a [Industry/Topic] Expert in Minutes!"

This is a promise to the receiver. You are promising them that through your email, they're going to become an expert in some topic or industry they're interested in.

  1. "Upgrade Your Workspace with Must-Have Tools!"

What did you say? Tools! For workspace? Upgrading them is the best. These must-have tools for the workspace attract receivers who want to improve their productivity and get better at things they do.

  1. "Exclusive Access: Be the First to Know!"

Everyone wants to be the first in every field. Whether it's personal or professional, they want to be first! This subject line makes the receiver feel special and so, interests them and makes them click and open the email.

  1.  "Don't Miss Out: Limited-Time Flash Sale!"

This subject creates a sense of urgency and informs the receiver about the flash sale. Everyone likes sales. This encourages the receiver to open the email to take advantage of the sale.

  1. "Take Your [Specific Goal] to the Next Level!"

Everyone's competing with each other. Now, to get ahead of others, people are up to do anything possible. And at the correct moment, when you're offering something to take them to the next level, why won't they reach and grab it? 

  1. "Get Ready for Something Big: Exciting Announcement Inside!"

This subject line is telling the recipient that there's something big inside, but what's in it, isn't known. To reveal the big thing, you need to open the email. This is just like announcing something exciting that no one can resist from clicking.

Test The Subject lines

When you're into marketing, never trust just the instincts or what you feel. Always test! Similarly, testing the subject lines before sending them out is important too. Here is how you can test them.

  • A/B Testing

A/B Testing, just like the name suggests, is about providing options and letting others choose. 

In this, there's a small group of people to whom you send two types of subject lines. The one that gets more clicks is the one that's engaging and works better.

  • Split Testing

In A/B testing, you provide two different options. But in split testing, you divide one email into different parts. Each part is sent to different people with different subject line respectively.

Through this, you get to compare which one works better and engages well with the recipient.

  • Tracking 

When you send out emails, (to a real audience), it's important to track them. Always check the click rates, open rates, bounce rates, and even the emails that ended up in the spam box. This way, you can track your performance. You can check where you're lagging and where you're doing great.

  • Analyzing Results

After you've tracked your emails what will you do? Analyze where you've been at the top. Check which one is performing well and which one is facing issues. Find out where the issue is, what's the problem and even the solution. This can help you make email marketing more effective.

  • Making Adjustments

The last step, make adjustments. Fix the issues with the subject lines. Change them, merge them, twist them, do what you want to, and make them creative! 

If you find that emojis and free offers are performing well, then use them. Start crafting your subject lines according to the recipient.

These steps will help you in the present as well as in the future. Crafting isn't enough. Checking and fixing things is important too.


In short, subject lines are a super important part of email marketing. It is the main thing that your success is going to depend on. Short, clear, and personal email subject lines always win. 

Cold email helps you grow your business. Subject lines help your cold emails get noticed. Crafting subject lines and then testing them tells you what's better.

Use the given subject lines as make use of them a good way. Good luck with cold emails!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I avoid ending up in spam boxes?
Some ways to avoid ending up in spam boxes are to use a reputable email service provider like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo, followed by quality email list building and personalizing the emails. Consider avoiding spam trigger words and focus on providing value with clear instructions.
How do I write interesting subject lines?
Keeping Subject Lines short lets the user understand the motive of your email in one sight. So, focus on keeping your subject lines short i.e., no more than 70 characters, use keywords that your subscribers usually would search for in their email and prioritize personalization.
Why are subject lines important for my emails?
Subject lines act as a summary for your emails. The subject lines are the first thing your customer sees after receiving an email. So, it’s important to craft your subject lines in a way that they describe the purpose of the content in the email in fewer words and can be read without expanding further.
What can I include in my subject lines to make them compelling?
While plain and to-the-point emails fulfill the purpose quite rightly, it’s important to add something in the subject lines that win the interest of your audience. For example, you can add emojis, create urgency, or even offer them something that they can’t resist opening the email.