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How To Create SEO Strategy For Blogging In 2024

So far in 2023, one of my clients blogs has generated over a million dollars. I now spend about 5 hours a month on my own blog. This has given me the freedom to start two new businesses, delve into blogging, and explore various opportunities—hiding in the real potential of SEO.

However, the strategies that worked when I began in 2019 no longer apply in 2024. With Google algorithm updates, changes in helpful content, and the rise of AI, it's crucial to adapt our strategies. In this article, I'll outline exactly what I would do if I started a blog and online business in 2024.

Before we dive in, I invite you to watch my other SEO and email marketing blogs, which offers a lot of training on starting an online business. Click here to learn about email marketing's effectiveness and for small businesses growth through email marketing you can use these valuable resources.

Now, let's look at my client's 2023 revenue(it's a company basically)

blogging earnings per month

Where the blog has earned over a million dollars, primarily from affiliate marketing. Despite traffic changes and fluctuations, it's consistently making significant revenue.Inspiring from that I've expanded my team, revamped processes, and focused on creating helpful content updates.

While my blog's revenue history showcases substantial growth,if I were starting anew, I'd choose a low-competition physical product niche that I understand well. This niche could eventually tie into consulting, YouTube, and course creation.

My journey began as an average person inspired from my clients, working at a small company until 21, barely graduating college. Transitioning into the tech world, I applied startup growth principles to my personal brand and blog, achieving significant success. Currently, with multiple businesses, I earn more than enough a month to live a luxurious life, with the blog contributing around 70% of my monthly income.

However, if I were starting today in 2024, I'd focus on low-competition physical product niches. This could lead to consulting and freelancing opportunities, or the education route through courses, YouTube, and community building. Platforms like "quora" are ideal for creating a community, fostering interaction, and providing valuable content.

Diversification is key, starting with affiliate marketing and ad revenue, and then expanding into sponsorships, course sales, and consulting services. To navigate changes in the digital landscape, it's crucial to select a niche with lower competition, avoiding oversaturated areas affected by Google's helpful content update.

I recommend using tools like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer to identify opportunities. Targeting transactional search intent with articles containing terms like "best" can drive revenue. For instance, in the outdoor niche, articles about the best gardening gloves, tools, and apps present ample opportunities with low competition.

Similarly, exploring keywords related to specific products, like saunas or grills, allows for the creation of transactional and informational content. The goal is to provide comparative content, helping readers make informed purchasing decisions.

In 2024, the focus is on helpful content updates, emphasizing depth and a human experience in articles. The strategy involves three transactional articles supported by three pieces of informational content for each, building topical authority.

In the world of content-driven businesses, success often lies in finding emerging and less competitive niches. Let's explore a strategy for blogging success in 2024, using a blueprint that combines content creation and link building.

Discovering Profitable Niches:

Example 1: awaytogarden.com (Gardening Niche)

  • Content:  Gardening planners, journals, guides, and various articles.
  • Platform:  Blog with over 20,000 monthly visitors and a YouTube channel with $4,000 per month earning.
  • Monetization:  Affiliate revenue from the blog and YouTube, ads, and selling planners and courses.

Example 2: BarbecueGuys.com (Outdoor Cooking Niche)

  • Content:  Articles on grills, smokers, outdoor pizza ovens, cleaning guides, product comparisons, and buying guides.
  • Platform:  Blog and YouTube channel, creating a cohesive content strategy.

Example 3: SelfMadeNewbie.com (Home Office Products Niche)

  • Content:  Showcasing various products for home offices.
  • Platform:  Blog and YouTube channel focusing on buyer guides.

Why Choose Specific Niches?

  • Less Competition:  Focus on niches with lower competition, such as outdoor physical products.
  • Avoid Highly Saturated Niches:  Stay away from overly competitive topics like SEO or technology.

The 100K Block Blogging Blueprint:

  • Top Priority: Unique Personal Brand
    • Create a Real Brand: Establish a personal brand; a unique brand of you.
    • Machine Behind the Brand: Develop a content creation machine, including blog posts and YouTube videos.
  • Balancing Content Creation and Link Building:
    • Content Creation: Emphasize quality and helpfulness for users, following Google's guidelines.
    • Link Building: Gradually build authority through link building to increase site credibility.

Adapting to Google's Algorithm Updates:

  • Helpful Content Update:  Focus on creating helpful, readable, and easy-to-navigate content.
  • Avoid Unhelpful Elements:  Eliminate AI-generated content, lack of unique images, and poor navigation.

Strategies for Content Creation:

  • Differentiation:  Stand out by providing unique human experiences in your content.
  • User Intent Focus:  Align content with user search intent, covering various aspects comprehensively.

Building Topical Authority:

  • Stay On Topic:  Avoid going too broad; focus on building authority in your niche.
  • Informative to Transactional Content Ratio:  Maintain at least 80% informational content and 20% transactional or affiliate articles.

Monetization and Being a Mediator:

  • Mediator Role:  You act as a mediator between Google searches and product purchases.
  • Monetization Strategies:  Utilize affiliate links, and ads, and explore avenues like starting a YouTube channel, building courses, and growing an email list.

Introduction: The Power of Attention

In today's digital landscape, making money through blogging involves capturing and monetizing attention. Whether it's on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or a personal blog, the key is to be the best at capturing attention. The Blog Growth Engine, even with a relatively small YouTube channel, demonstrates the effectiveness of monetizing attention. The goal is to build a sustainable machine, not just with one article but with a series of articles.

Getting to Growth and Profit - Content Creation

Content Assembly Line: A Data-Driven Approach

Building a successful blog requires a systematic approach, what we call a "Content Assembly Line." Here are the key steps:

Keyword Research:

  • Identify top keywords in your niche, balancing keyword difficulty and search volume.
  • Focus on both informational and transactional keywords.
  • Aim for a ratio of 80% informational to 20% transactional content.

Content Creation:

  • Develop a process for writing high-quality blog posts.
  • Acknowledge that not every article will rank, aim for a consistent output of two high-quality posts per week.
  • Optimize on-page SEO with semantic keywords, proper headings, and a question format in H2 headings.

Readability and User Experience:

  • Optimize on-page SEO for readability.
  • Use lists, bullet points, bold text, and images to enhance readability.
  • Enhance user experience with a table of contents, internal links, and relevant content.

Topical Authority:

  • Focus on one specific niche for informational content.
  • Establish authority in that niche over time.

Human Experience Perspective:

  • Add value to the conversation with unique perspectives.
  • Include unique images, engaging introductions, and hooks to capture the reader's interest.

Publish and Update:

  • Publish the content and regularly update articles every six months.
  • Add 250 words of new content, check and update product details, and enhance the human experience.
  • Steadily improve articles over time for consistent growth.

As of 2024, blogging continues to offer substantial opportunities. Despite the rise of various platforms and media sites, new opportunities arise as 16 to 20% of Google searches each year are brand new. While it may seem daunting with media giants dominating, the key is to identify pockets of opportunity.

Blogging: The Best High Margin Business to 10K a Month

Blogging remains a lucrative venture for those aiming to make $10,000 a month. By focusing on a specific niche, creating quality content, and optimizing for SEO, one can start ranking and generating income. Building a blog around topics like power tools, kitchen gadgets, gardening, or any specific niche can lead to steady revenue through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and article spots.

Beyond 10K a Month: Diversification is Key

While a blog is an excellent starting point, reaching $100,000 a month requires diversification. Platforms like YouTube, building an email list, selling products, and creating a media company with a team can contribute to higher earnings. Diversifying income streams ensures stability in the dynamic landscape of online content creation.

The Role of Link Building: Domain Rating and Authority

Link building remains a crucial aspect of blogging success. Domain Rating (DR), a metric indicating site authority on a scale of 0 to 100, significantly influences rankings. Starting with a DR of zero makes it challenging to compete, making it essential to build quality backlinks through guest posting, link exchanges, and self-promotion. You can chekck your domain rating on Ahrefs.

Link Building and Revenue Growth: A Correlation

Observing the correlation between DR and revenue growth, building a robust link profile becomes imperative. Students in blog growth programs often see increased earnings as their DR improves. Link building contributes to the overall growth and profitability of a blog.

Content Writing Strategies: On-Page SEO and Human Experience

Creating content involves more than just writing. On-page SEO optimization, focusing on the human experience, and building relevant links contribute to growth and profit. From optimizing headings to enhancing readability with images and bullet points, a holistic content strategy is vital.

Monetization Strategies: Understanding User Intent

Understanding user intent is key to effective monetization. Different articles require varied monetization approaches. For high-volume informational posts, ads are effective, while affiliate marketing may work for specific product-focused content. The intent of the user when landing on a blog determines the most effective monetization strategy.

Case Study: A Million-Dollar Blog

Reflecting on a personal client's case study, the presenter highlights the profitability of a blog that requires minimal time investment. Earning over a million dollars from a blog in a niche like an online course platform demonstrates the potential of strategic content creation and monetization.

Blogging as a Gateway to Opportunities

In the world of blogging, there's a path for everyone. Numerous students, with no prior experience, have entered blog growth programs and within three months found themselves charging thousands of dollars for consulting. The program also includes insights into platforms like Upwork, freelancing, and even courses, offering a quicker route to active income.

Passive vs. Active Income: Debunking the Myth

While passive income, such as affiliate and ad revenue, is part of the blogging journey, the presenter emphasizes that active income is not to be overlooked. Active income through consulting or courses allows bloggers to directly attribute sales through their websites, creating a more engaging and fulfilling journey.

Building Multiple Revenue Streams: The Key to Sustainability

The goal in 2024 is to build multiple revenue streams through a blog. Passive income from affiliate and ad revenue lays a foundation, while active income from consulting or courses offers a more direct and engaging approach. Diversifying income streams opens up possibilities for future growth.

Monetization Strategies: Consulting and Courses

Beyond passive income, there's an array of monetization strategies. Consulting services can be offered based on the knowledge gained through blogging. Additionally, courses tailored to the blog's niche can be created, providing another avenue for income. Building an email list and using tools like ConvertBox for lead magnets can facilitate the transition from reader to customer.

The Realistic Path of Blogging in 2024

Successful bloggers emphasizes that success in blogging requires a genuine interest in the process. If the idea of blogging feels torturous, it might not be the right path. In 2024, the opportunities are there, but they require effort. From writing articles to building links and developing monetization strategies, building a true brand takes time and dedication.

Expanding Possibilities: Beyond Blogging

While blogging is the initial step, We encourage you to think beyond it. Consider how a blog can integrate with other platforms like YouTube, courses, or an email list. The key is to expand the timeline, building a foundation for sustained success over several years.

Adapting to Change: Navigating the Evolving Blogging Landscape

Acknowledging the evolving nature of Google's algorithms, you should focus on the importance of adaptation and agility. In 2024, starting a new blog may require a different approach than in 2019. The recommendation is to focus on specific niches, pair blogging with platforms like YouTube, and explore multiple revenue streams for a more robust blogging strategy.

Closing Thoughts and Community Engagement

In conclusion, we are encouraging viewers to share their thoughts and challenges in the comments through mail. The article serves as a guide to blogging in 2024, reminding aspiring bloggers that while it's not a get-rich-quick scheme, with intention, focus, and ongoing learning, it can be a rewarding and lucrative journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the updated SEO strategies for blogging?
Some updated SEO strategies for blogging include researching top results and studying them, providing valuable content to the audience, incorporating images, focusing on link building, and ensuring your website has a fast loading speed.
What to avoid while creating blogs?
Some factors to avoid while creating blogs include solely focusing on trendy topics, not understanding your audience well, and writing about topics that only interest you. Remember, you're writing for your audience, so focus on providing them with valuable and informative content.
Is blogging as easy as said by influencers?
Influencers often portray tasks as easier than they are to encourage engagement. While blogging may seem straightforward, it requires research and time to generate quality content, especially if you're new to the industry or trying to establish yourself as a blogger.
Is blogging important for my website?
Regardless of the industry, blogging is important for your website. Blogs help educate your audience, promote your products and services, and increase your online presence. While not essential, blogs can significantly boost your website's growth and visibility.